Virgin Voyages
The most premier up and coming cruise lines in the industry. Having launched their first ship, the Scarlet Lady, in late 2021 and expanded to three ships by 2022, it has grown on many travelers as one of the best experiences they have had. They enjoy the slightly smaller ship with a much larger emphasis on quality compared to other cruise lines that are touting biggest ship on the sea. Every four years, these ships will be taken back to the shipyard and anything and everything will be gone through with a fine tooth comb as they say. With a max capacity of 2770 sailors in 1400 cabins, they have approximately 1 staff for every 2.25 sailors. Read below what people are saying:
"Amazing! I love that it's all inclusive and the food and restaurants experiences are top notch." - SJ
" I really enjoyed not having to worry about kids running by me ad almost knocking me down" -BW
"Totally recommend. Can't wait to go on the next one!" - DW
"You can just be yourself and not have to worry about formal night. Virgin's Scarlet Night is by far superior."-SJ
"I've been on one in the Mediterranean and I've been to one in the Caribbean. their staff is top notch!"-BW
If you are interested in booking, please use this link below to look around, put your rooms on hold for a day, or even book. I will be reaching out to you by email to answer any questions that you may have.[%E2%80%A6]lors=2&toDate=2022-10-04&agentId=174280&agencyId=38151